
Areas of Practice
Government Affairs
Political Solutions
Business Strategy
Government Affairs
WCS helps clients make the transition from latency to engagement. We work with clients to develop the strategy which allows decision-makers to understand their history and values. We take care to develop these relationships through trust, earnestness, and dedication to our clients and their mission. WCS ensures our clients benefit from long-term working relationships with government officials at the federal and state levels.
Our professionals maintain access to policy-related information within the government and industry. We use this knowledge to inform our clients of pertinent information. WCS reviews this information from various perspectives to grasp a full understanding of its potential impacts on our clients. Our goal is to ensure clients possess both perspective and guidance as government entities propose, develop, and implement public policy.
We work with clients to develop effective policy solutions to fit their needs. Our firm maintains the policy and political expertise to identify and develop champions within the government to implement these proposals. Throughout this process, we work with our clients to ensure the public appearance of these policies are considered and appropriately navigated.
WCS identifies, recruits, and leads entities with common goals towards the development of coalitions that benefit our clients. Our firm knows when coalitions can organize to create efficiencies and how to lead these teams towards mutual success.
Political Solutions
WCS helps organizations and individuals grow and manage political resources efficiently. Our firm ensures clients’ political activities and contributions are best aligned with their values. We design and employ creative solutions to maximize these resources in competitive political environments.
We work with clients to create narratives that resonate with an intended audience. Our firm maintains the relationships needed to ensure this message is distributed through the best available methods to meet a client’s goals and budget.
We develop strategies that allow clients to participate in campaign finance effectively. Our firm guides clients through the creation and implementation of these strategies to ensure they are effective and accountable.
WCS establishes relationships between clients and decision-makers at national and local levels. We work with candidates at every level to ensure political goodwill is established at all levels of government in which clients wish to participate.
Business Strategy
WCS and its advisors help private and public organizations to identify and pursue growth opportunities. Using a global network of relationships, we design and facilitates measures for businesses to market and expand their products and services in the United States.
Our firm offers clients and associates the ability to discover new opportunities. When our firm identifies unique and mutually beneficial opportunities amongst our business partners and clients, we proactively develop these relationships. This ability is best utilized in markets that are impacted by new or changing government policies. WCS is positioned to receive publicly available information, interpret its impact on markets, and quickly identify areas where lobbying and advocacy can expedite market developments.